saw a rather interesting shop on my way back home, but i shall not reveal it now..
起初我以為是間賣高擋家具的家具店,因為它前面的廣告欄裡的家具很特別。圖案是幾個看似沙發的家具,但靠背又那麼低,不象是放有在客庭的;又像是讓人躺側面的,不過若真的給一個人躺下去,又不自然。很是疑惑。下班後,想去一間新開的腳車店看看,當我到的時候,我被那一排啇店最右間的店名吸引去了。它寫著Mr & Mrs Smith: the couple store.
i was on my way to a new bike shop around the corner to have a look, and i was attracted to the name of the store located at the extreme right of that row of shops: Mr & Mrs Smith: the couple store.
on first glance, i suppose it is a high end furniture shop, as the couches in the banner are rather unique. the back is so low, doesn't look suitable to be in the living room; and the shape is unsuitable to lie on it sideways..
當我走前看個究盡時,我才恍然大悟。它寫著:positioning furniture range. matters.(多款位置家具。男。女。重要的是愛。)
only upon closing inspection, do i realise it's purpose. the captions wrote: positioning furniture range. matters.
so, it is an adult furniture shop! what are in the ad banner are couches used during coital activities, they help you settle down comfortably, as well as getting into a correct and a more accessible position. and you can adjust the height of the back support as one sees fit. my first encounter of such unique shop, i must say.
singaporeans' minds are more open and sight wider with the globalisation of singapore and the influx of internet. in the past, say 10 years ago, it was only the sex shops selling sex paraphernalia, and one had to hurry in and out before bumping into someone familiar; and now, an adult furniture shop, where you actually need time to uderstand how it works before investing in one, lest it becomes a white elephant for inquisitive friends or relatives to ask about..
everyday, indeed, is a new discovery, adding some shades of colour into our somewhat mundane lives.. but in the end, it is ourselves we need discovering. if you really take time and look into yourselves, you can discovery something more about yourselves which was previously not stumbled upon.. that, is also a discovery, a more noble and fruitful one..